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What is Dysthymia? What are the symptoms?

Dysthymic disorder is known to the public as a milder form of depression, in fact, it is a correct definition. Dysthymic disorder is a mood disorder that prevents the individual from controlling his emotions and thought structuring.

In people with dysthymic disorder, symptoms of depression that generally last at least two years and are not very severe include; sleep disturbance, chronic unhappiness and weakness, pessimism, weakness, lack of desire and interest, insecurity, whining are seen. Dysthymic disorder is the fourth most common illness in the United States. Although it is a milder form of depression, it is a very important mental health issue since it constitutes an average of 25% among patients who come for depression treatment.

Its prevalence in the general population is between 4% and 6%. People with dysthymic disorder linger in the past. Their thought content may be filled with obsessive thoughts about inadequacy, helplessness, and thoughts about whether they will lose their security or not be loved anymore. They complain about not being able to gather their thoughts on a certain issue.

Generally, dysthymic disorder is seen with mild onset symptoms and onset is more common under the age of 25. Since it starts at an early age, it distorts the character formation of the person and creates problems in relationships between people. Kretschmer says that these people are the backbone of society because they dedicate their lives to professions that require complete dedication and elaboration, because they often put themselves in work to combat their stagnation.



It is not possible to show a single cause as dysthymic disorder, dysthymic disorder occurs in people due to many different factors. There are many factors such as genetic predispositions, traumas experienced in childhood, nervous disorders and changes that will negatively affect the person's life order, and negative emotional structuring brought about by sudden change in order.

In addition, the data obtained as a result of various studies have concluded that dysthymic disorder is more common in people who cannot live in the desired standards, have low economic income, are lonely, unmarried and are young. At the same time, the loss of a close person and substance and alcohol addiction also affect the formation of dysthymic disorder.


Psychotherapy is the most accurate and permanent solution for dysthymic disorder. Positive and negative thoughts, feelings, behaviors that the individual has constructed in himself and reflecting them against their environment will enable the person to reconstruct them correctly.

The person with dysthymic disorder has an involuntary lifestyle and does not want to go out much, but with psychotherapy, the individual begins to rediscover himself and direct his life in the right direction.

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