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Stress and Anger Problems

What is Stress?

Stress; It occurs when we feel endangered or unsafe, in other words, when you think we need to protect ourselves. Situations such as inability to adapt to the changes in our lives, increase in negativities, and difficulty in expressing ourselves can be given as examples of times when stress arises. Although our reactions in such situations vary, “anger” responses can accompany stress when we do not know how to cope.

There can be a wide variety of stress factors that bring out the feeling of anger. Relationship problems, financial anxiety, lack of motivation are a few of them. Everyone encounters experiences similar to the events we have just listed at some point in their life and may feel anger or anger as a result. While we can more easily express our emotions that we describe as positive, such as happiness and excitement, we may have difficulty expressing our emotions that cause us negative feelings, such as anger and anger. Just as each of us has different emotional reactions to events and situations, how we act in the face of these reactions also varies. Therefore, the critical point here is not to feel anger, but to be aware of how we can manage this emotion by expressing it in a healthy way.

While feeling anger is healthy, as with any emotion, there are other forms of anger that cause undesirable consequences. You may get angry quickly over something big or small and throw yourself and those around you into an unexpected tantrum. Afterwards, serious problems may arise in your life as a result of anger taking over your actions or fear that you may do something to trigger it again.

Anger can also come on suddenly without warning. Sometimes it does, and the person may continue to get angry after the moment has passed. For example, when another driver blocks our way while we are driving, we honk at that person, but our anger at the way he cut us off will probably not end soon after the incident, and our angry mood will continue for a while. In such outbursts of anger, the emotion appears suddenly and manifests itself as a behavior that surprises everyone.


So what emotional and physical symptoms should we look out for?

Getting angry once in a while doesn't mean you have trouble controlling your anger. A mental health professional should carefully screen for the physical and emotional manifestations of anger, along with behavioral patterns, to determine a diagnosis of anger disorder. Emotional symptoms may not be limited to anger; may also include anxiety and irritability. While feeling anger, a person may feel overwhelmed by their thoughts; may have difficulty following their thoughts or even have thoughts of harming themselves or others.

Although you may have physical symptoms, you may not realize that these symptoms are caused by anger. But when these symptoms are left untreated, they lead to increased changes in the body that pose a health risk. Known signs of anger include headaches, tingling, elevated blood pressure, chest tightness, and fatigue.

In addition, unresolved anger issues can increase the risk of anxiety and have short- and long-term effects. Symptoms in this case may include muscle pain and tension, dizziness, poor memory and concentration, headache, nausea. In addition, when we look at the long-term results, chronic sleep disorders, paralysis and memory loss may occur along with relationship problems.

As we mentioned above, anger triggers include various situations, events and personal problems, but the person can also become angry with a past experience. Substance abuse is also a fairly common anger factor. Some individuals may show temporary signs of anger during childhood or adolescence. Other risk factors that increase the likelihood of experiencing anger problems are genetics, living environments, and a history of past mental health problems. Anger problems can also be observed in people who spent their childhood in the same house with others who do not know how to control their anger, who practice physical and verbal abuse - these may be their parents. These individuals may have been exposed to abusive or violent situations and may begin to exhibit symptoms related to anger problems as they get older.

Attention to Emergencies!

Sometimes people run the risk of harming themselves or others during a tantrum. This intense feeling of anger can lead to problems in interpersonal relationships, property damage or violence. If you think you have an anger problem or if you think that someone you know has, we recommend that you do not delay in applying to a mental health professional. Likewise, if the problem is not addressed and treated, it can cause intense emotional outbursts and, as a result, undesirable behaviors as mentioned above.

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