Eating disorders
Our relationship with food as humans can get complicated. For some, eating is a way to get the nutrients they need to lead a happier and healthier lifestyle. But for others, food can be used as a mechanism to deal with negative emotions. Those in the latter category may often struggle with the inappropriate role that food plays in their lives and find themselves dealing with eating disorders and other disorders that can make life more difficult. But what's promising here is that it doesn't have to go that way; You can prevent your eating disorder from controlling your life and you. With the right help, you can improve your relationship with food and manage your symptoms by learning about the underlying causes of your discomfort.
If you think you have an eating disorder and are wondering how you can start your healing journey, here we provide you with guidance on eating disorders and what your next step might be.
Eating disorders are a serious, life-threatening condition with severe physical symptoms and consequences, as well as, of course, treatable. It affects people of a wide variety of ages, genders, religions, classes, and ethnicities. There are many subtypes of eating disorders. If you're struggling with one of these, think you're at risk, or know someone with an eating disorder, it's important to learn about these disorders. Your symptoms may point to more than one subdomain. It's essential to read about the different types of eating disorders and learn about what you're struggling with so that you can get the help you need. However, as we mentioned at the beginning, because the consequences of eating disorders can be harmful, it is much more beneficial to conduct an interdisciplinary study with a mental health professional.
Anorexia Nervosa
Anorexia nervosa, the first disorder we want to talk about, is an eating disorder characterized by an extreme obsession with weight loss that causes those dealing with this disorder to engage in behaviors that threaten their health and other areas of their lives designed to keep their weight low. A few of the symptoms seen in anorexia nervosa can be listed as follows: fear of gaining excess weight and being “fat”, limiting the amount of calories taken during the day, eating often little or no food, excessive weight loss, storing or stacking food, excessive exercise, menstruation in women period, calcium loss that triggers weak bone structure, brittle hair and nails, constipation, muscle loss, low body temperature. There are two different types of this ailment. The first is the restrictive type and the second is the binge eating/vomiting type.
While the first is characterized by restricting food intake, we see that in the second, occasional eating attacks and then vomiting to remove these foods from their bodies and the use of laxatives are accompanied. Although we often think that people with this disorder will be very thin, in atypical anorexia nervosa, the person's weight may be average or above average while other criteria are met.
Anorexia nervosa patients usually have a perfectionist and determined personality. These people may have been exposed to malnutrition behaviors during infancy and childhood. In addition, the incidence of the disease is higher in young people with depressive, submissive, shy and obsessive-compulsive personality disorder. The risk of anorexia nervosa is also higher in women who have a history of sexual abuse and have a low love bond with their parents.
Bulimia Nervosa
Although people with bulimia share some of the symptoms seen in anorexia nervosa, the biggest difference between the two is that people with bulimia nervosa are not always overweight. In addition, blumina nervosa is characterized by excessive food consumption and cycles of vomiting rather than calorie restriction. A person's weight can range from underweight to overweight. Some of the symptoms of bulimia nervosa can be listed as follows: consuming large amounts of food and then vomiting to get rid of calories, mood swings, hidden behaviors, social withdrawal or isolation, using laxatives or exercising, intestinal problems, tooth decay and loss, swollen salivary glands, dehydration.
It is not possible to explain Bulimia Nervosa with a single reason. Environmental factors; Family influences, traumatic experiences, social attitudes, genetics, dissatisfaction with the appearance of one's body, neurochemical and developmental factors may contribute to the development of this disorder.
Avoidant/Restricted Food Intake Disorder
Avoidant/Restricted Food Intake Disorder is an eating disorder characterized by malnutrition due to a person's highly selective and restrictive food intake. These people may have a lack of interest in eating, sensory problems with certain foods, or a fear of eating certain foods. It is most common in children, but can persist into adulthood and can occur at any age. Failure to meet the energy and nutritional needs of the body due to this disorder may cause serious medical consequences such as growth retardation, cardiovascular problems, and fatigue. Biological predisposition (such as hypersensitivity) combined with a trauma related to eating (such as choking on food) may cause negative expectations, restrictions and avoidance of trying different foods in the person.
Binge Eating Disorder
Binge Eating Disorder is characterized by recurrent binge eating episodes that occur at least once a week and last for three months or longer. While people with bulimia nervosa try to get rid of their binge eating, those with this disorder experience repeated eating attacks without trying to get rid of the food. These attacks occur with a feeling of being unable to control or stop them. This type of eating disorder can lead to various health problems triggered by excessive weight gain, such as diabetes and hypertension. Some symptoms of an eating disorder can be listed as follows: Eating more quickly than usual, eating large amounts of food until it causes physical discomfort, eating large amounts of food despite not feeling hungry, feeling ashamed of and hiding eating habits, feeling bad after binge eating.
There are other forms of eating disorders, all of which have serious consequences. With a stable support system and treatment plan, it is possible to recover from an eating disorder. If you are struggling with an eating disorder, it is very important that you seek inpatient or outpatient treatment with a mental health professional.